My first stop was morning tea and we had billy tea and damper bread for morning tea. Its the aussie culture.. More information can be found
Then the fun part begins.. We went to a room where a lady showed and told us about injured and 'abandoned' animals in Perth like kangaroos, snakes and etc.. They were really cute and young but faced so much already.. It really is scary as to how far humans can go...
Then the next station was to view birds.. We were shown various tamed bird like barn owl (harry potter's owl), hawk and etc.. They were either injured to the extend that if they get released out in the wild they will be killed or is 'human imprinted'...
Then we went for a very short trekking section.. Nothing much, just showing us the trees and all (sorry wasn't paying attention, didn't really have a interest in the trees and all..)
Then after that was learning about the cultures of aboriginals.. Don't wanna bored ppl with lengthy sentences and paragraphs so I'll just say the most interesting thing.. Apparently, if you run off with another girl who is attached, you will be punished by using a spear and piercing your leg through... So yea.. Scary huh.. Haha.. And the facilitator made this comment, "Well, love is blind." Yea.. which is so darn true.. Zzzz.. Whatever.
Ok. So after we completed them, we finally thought that it was time for the barbie! Oh.. So sorry to disappoint but it was not.. Instead its bread with roast beef and meat gravy.. And gosh, its super delicious! Haha.. I think I'm getting fatter by the day.. Zzzzz...
Ok.. That's the interesting part and yea.. the rest of the day was pretty boring.. Went back. Did laundry, cooked dinner (rice with broccoli, omelette mushroon with cheese and baked beans)... I wonder how tomorrow will be..

One more day to the start of school... I wonder how long will we last... Hahaha..
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