Monday, May 10, 2010

Inspired by lectures.


I think it was yesterday.. Kobi mentioned about how genetic engineering can lead to so many cons. Although there's soo many advantages of genetic engineering, there's still disadvantages to it.. I agreed to his statement, but I can't forget how genetic engineering have improved the life of soooo many people...

Today, during MGEN lectures, we came across how gene is regulation. One of the ways is via tRNA levels. So apparently, since we have amino acids that can be coded from different codons, and the transcriptional levels of each codon (that codes for the same a.a.) varies. So some tRNAs will be at very low level because their codons occur very rarely while some may be at high level as their codons occur frequently.

So how does this apply to our daily life?? It's used in genetic engineering! This is the same reason as to why there's different amount of translational products (amount of protein) produced when we inject the same gene to an animal or a human. Thus, we use genetic engineering to change the codon to those that occurs frequently (but the codon also codes for the same amino acid) such that the test subject is able to yield high amount of proteins.

Cool isn't it?

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