Sunday, August 22, 2010


Round 3 of philosophy..

I was reading The Philosophy Gym by Stephen Law and was amused by a lot of things.. The most amusing story that I've read so far is The rational dentist where this dentist doubt everyone has a mind except himself. Hahaha! Yea! I was like "HUH??" at first.. But as he slowly explain himself, I say "Why not?". As he have explained all the queries I have so I guess.. Why not? Haha.. Oh yea.. Imagine yourself in the customer's shoes: while the dentist is drilling holes and putting fills into the holes of ur tooth, he tells you that he doesn't believe that you could feel any pain as you don't have a mind of your own. LOL.

And then there's one story about homosexuality.. It really made me reflect a lot about life. Things that you hate are actually based on just your thinking and emotions. If you hate those people.. why?? Read that story and you'll realize it's just your own disgust. There's nothing wrong with being homo. They're still humans! If you think its dirty, how about gardening? It's also dirty. The difference lies on how you think about these activity...

Philosophy really opened up my mind... Hahaha.. And i disagree with the rational dentist.. Haha.. Everyone have their own set of mind.. That's why there's different type of people around with their own individual personality, their own likes and dislikes, their own logic and most of all, their own unique way of thinking. We just gonna have to accept everyone for what he or she really is even if we hate his or her way of thinking... That's why there's also thousands or even millions philosophers around!

Just my two cents worth since I angered someone by asking some hurtful questions.. I'm sorry..

- Shhuuu Huuiii -

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