Sunday had potluck at Mia/ Joannie/ Michelle's house. Had a lot of good food like zucchini pasta, curry, prata, cheese potato, the special egg with meat tt look like lasagna, vegetables with a special white sauce and a lot more! Delicious! I made creme brulee for them.. Talk about application of skills. That was really immediate! =)) I shall also make creme brulee for my two sisters who's coming on Wednesday-Thursday! =)))
Mon: Had a Singapore style "Zhi Char" in Cythnia's flat. Had broccoli (Finaally VEGETABLES!!), omelette, potato soup, and the ALL TIME FAVOURITE TERRIYAKI PORK!!! Its been sooo long as I had pork!! =)) After which, we finished our Genetics group assignment. You hear that? We finished way before our deadline which is on 10th Sept!!! Double joy! And yea.. Cythnia turned the four of us into toast monsters!! Toast with butter and honey is LOVES! =)))

Tue: Nothing much.. Woke up at 4.30am to eat coz im fasting.. And stupid la.. I broke my fast because there's free food.. Zzz.. I'm gonna be stricter on myself from now.. NO FOOD = NO FOOD!!! Zzzz.. And I started to study Biostatistics.. Gonna get at least a DISTINCTION on it!!! And that night, cook a look-a-like sambal fried rice with my nearly depleted food for breakfast.. There's egg, crabsticks and rice only.. Haha... But I LOVE IT.. Attempted to add honey so that its sweet, but there's someone in the kitchen so I didn't dare to put.. Maybe next time.. Honey fried rice with crabsticks and eggs.. =)))

Zzz.. Ok, Shu Hui go back to sleep!! =))
The horror about Wednesday, today, 26th August.. THERE'S NO JUDO!!!! *GASPS*
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