Friday, August 6, 2010

First time that comes to my mind: CGH/Haplotyping... =.=

Kiwi - 8 for $2. Ha. I bet my cousin and my mum would be screaming, "I want!" and going off to buy probably a carton back to Sg if they are still here. Hahaha!

Currently studying the AIMS lecture notes for tml but gave up. Haha.. I mean, why are there so many things about freezing! The supercooling crap is unable to diffuse into my brain.. Haha.. Oh well.. We will see how it goes in the lecture.. Hopefully the lecturer will make it clearer to me..

On the side note.. Everyone around me seems to be sick.. It used to be people from work and now Carmen is sick too.. Hope I don't get sick though. It's hard to think and function or even control my emotions when I'm sick, since I tend to be depressed about almost everything. Haha.

- Shhuuu Huuiii -

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