Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Lee Hyori & Daesung - How Did We Get? [Eng. Sub]

nice song by Hyori and Daesung (from big bang)

- Shhuuu Huuiii -

There's someone crying at my flat's hallway. =.=

And my hallway reeks of alcohol.

BLOODY HELL. Have your damn party somewhere else.

Why can't they spent their time studying instead of drowning themselves in alcohol.. That's something I can never understand..

I still need to do my philosophy assignment!!!

- Shhuuu Huuiii -

Sunday, August 29, 2010

BASKET (adapted from my sis when I scold her SUPER NOOB)

Haha. Basket. That's the word when I remember ytd's workshop. Oh well.. It's over.. Need to get more % in all my other assignments to make up for it. Stupid stupid stupid workshop. I wish that it's individual work! AND BLOODY HELL TEST. Why is my test so difficult!! I could answer other people's questions but not mine.. BASKET! Zzzz... But well.. Now I know 80% of the gut CD4+ cells get depleted by 3 weeks. BASKET!

And my ke ai jie jie is sick.. Awww... But how she got her sore throat and flu.. Eat too much longan.. Zzzz.. =.=. Give me longan to eat.. Zzzz..

OOhh yea.. Something good happened yesterday.. Irene (the lady boss) treated me with mooncake! Hahhaha!! I was so happy!! Hahaha!! And I bet everyone was thinking what in the heck did I get so excited and happy for? Hahaha.. BUT I MISS MOONCAKE LIKE MAD. I wish my mum can make them for me.. I'll even eat the lotus and the red bean paste ones.. But I miss the strawberry paste with the non-bake skin one..

And its the start of the one week study break.. Things to do:

  1. Vacuum
  2. Pack my room
  3. Philosophy assignment
  4. AIMS learning objectives
  5. Stat lecture (26/8) - listen again
  6. Gene project (Omg I should really like complete half of it)
  7. Make some dessert (Craving for it)
Yup.. Let's hope that I can do all these.. BASKET.

- Shhuuu Huuiii -

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Life is ____.

It's AIMS workshop tml!!! I'm hating AIMS more and more... First a case study, then a mini test and then design a information leaflet with like 9 people in a group for 45 mins and present it.. OMG. And I haven't touched my philosophy assignment.

And after all that, I have to work.... ARGH... I HATE FRIDAYS!


Should start studying.. And there's a pre-drink in my flat.. Gone case la..

What has the world become?

- Shhuuu Huuiii -

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

crappy life.

Submitted my ANU summer scholarship application.. What's left is to scan a copy of my academic transcript and tell Prof. Bob about being my referee.. However, the chances are like 1 out of 50 man. The prof say that quite a number of students expressed interest in his project too.. So the chances of me getting is like really low as they probably have a stat major... Sigh...

And what's up with the philosophy assignment. I don't know how to write an entertaining script of four philosophers arguing about some scientific approach. If I know, I'll probably be a script writer.. Hellooo! I'm in science because I haven't have any creativity in me!!

And there's the HIV workshop. No one mentioned about meeting up and we are supposed to design a poster? Haha.. But I'm too scared to be labelled as a kiasu person to initiate a meeting..

Why are there so many depressing things happening lately...
- Shhuuu Huuiii -

Monday, August 23, 2010

I'm going to encase myself.

Thank you very much for taking care of me.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Round 3 of philosophy..

I was reading The Philosophy Gym by Stephen Law and was amused by a lot of things.. The most amusing story that I've read so far is The rational dentist where this dentist doubt everyone has a mind except himself. Hahaha! Yea! I was like "HUH??" at first.. But as he slowly explain himself, I say "Why not?". As he have explained all the queries I have so I guess.. Why not? Haha.. Oh yea.. Imagine yourself in the customer's shoes: while the dentist is drilling holes and putting fills into the holes of ur tooth, he tells you that he doesn't believe that you could feel any pain as you don't have a mind of your own. LOL.

And then there's one story about homosexuality.. It really made me reflect a lot about life. Things that you hate are actually based on just your thinking and emotions. If you hate those people.. why?? Read that story and you'll realize it's just your own disgust. There's nothing wrong with being homo. They're still humans! If you think its dirty, how about gardening? It's also dirty. The difference lies on how you think about these activity...

Philosophy really opened up my mind... Hahaha.. And i disagree with the rational dentist.. Haha.. Everyone have their own set of mind.. That's why there's different type of people around with their own individual personality, their own likes and dislikes, their own logic and most of all, their own unique way of thinking. We just gonna have to accept everyone for what he or she really is even if we hate his or her way of thinking... That's why there's also thousands or even millions philosophers around!

Just my two cents worth since I angered someone by asking some hurtful questions.. I'm sorry..

- Shhuuu Huuiii -

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Does Santa Claus exist?

Oh my, this is hilarious.

by Joel Potischman and Bruce Handy

  1. No known species of reindeer can fly.  BUT there are 300,000 species of living organisms yet to be classified, and while most of these are insects and germs, this does not COMPLETELY rule out flying reindeer which only Santa has ever seen.

  2. There are 2 billion children (persons under 18) in the world.  BUT since Santa doesn't (appear) to handle the Muslim, Hindu, Jewish and Buddhist children, that reduces the workload to 15% of the total -- 378 million according to Population Reference Bureau.  At an average (census) rate of 3.5 children per household, that's 91.8 million homes.  One presumes there's at least one good child in each.
  3. Santa has 31 hours of Christmas to work with, thanks to the different time zones and the rotation of the earth, assuming he travels east to west (which seems logical).  This works out to 822.6 visits per second.  This is to say that for each Christian household with good children, Santa has 1/1000th of a second to park, hop out of the sleigh, jump down the chimney, fill the stockings, distribute the remaining presents under the tree, eat whatever snacks have been left, get back up the chimney, get back into the sleigh and move on to the next house.  Assuming that each of these 91.8 million stops are evenly distributed around the earth (which, of course, we know to be false but for the purposes of our calculations we will accept), we are now talking about .78 miles per household, a total trip of 75.5 million miles, not counting stops to do what most of us must do at least once every 31 hours, plus feeding, etc. This means that Santa's sleigh is moving at 650 miles per second, 3,000 times the speed of sound.  For purposes of comparison, the fastest man-made vehicle on earth, the Ulysses space probe, moves at a poky 27.4 miles per second -- a conventional reindeer can run, tops, 15 miles per hour.
  4. The payload on the sleigh adds another interesting element.  Assuming that each child gets nothing more than a medium-sized Lego set (2 pounds), the sleigh is carrying 321,300 tons, not counting Santa, who is invariably described as overweight.  On land, conventional reindeer can pull no more than 300 pounds.  Even granting that "flying reindeer" (see point #1) could pull TEN TIMES the normal amount, we cannot do the job with eight, or even nine.  We need 214,200 reindeer.  This increases the payload -- not even counting the weight of the sleigh -- to 353,430 tons.  Again, for comparison, this is four times the weight of the Queen Elizabeth.
  5. 353,000 tons travelling at 650 miles per second creates enormous air resistance -- this will heat the reindeer up in the same fashion as spacecraft's re-entering the earth's atmosphere.  The lead pair of reindeer will absorb 14.3 QUINTILLION joules of energy.  Per second.  Each.  In short, they will burst into flames almost instantaneously, exposing the reindeer behind them, and create deafening sonic booms in their wake.  The entire reindeer team will be vaporized within 4.26 thousandths of a second.  Santa, meanwhile, will be subjected to centrifugal forces 17,500.06 times greater than gravity.  A 250-pound Santa (which seems ludicrously slim) would be pinned to the back of his sleigh by 4,315,015 pounds of force.

    In conclusion, it seems  highly unlikely that Santa Claus does, or ever, existed.  Although, if Santa ever DID deliver presents on Christmas Eve, he's dead now. 

- Shhuuu Huuiii -

Philosophy of Science Workshop

Oh! Philosophy of Science workshop was soooo interested that I couldn't understand.. Hahaha.. Let me quote some of the examples that the lecturer gave:

A particular turkey has always been fed everyday. So the turkey thought, "I'm going to get food everyday (formulating a law/ theory by observing - Deductive reasoning)." However, on Christmas day, it doesn't get any food.. And yea.. U got it.. it became the food instead (but it's not alive to say this law (that it is fed everyday) is wrong..

Some things can't be falsify: Your horoscope reading. This is my horoscope reading for today (Sagittarius):
Your social agenda is increasing this year so you'd better have extra time AND more fashion in your wardrobe to keep up with it all. A friend will push you into new areas of style which you were previously afraid of. You'll be pleased with the results though.

So how do you falsify this?

Tell me how in the world I should do my assignment?!

Oh yea.. He also say mentioned that if u want to expose someone who is imitating someone (eg. ur friend), ask for your friend's horoscope sign. Haha... Even if he can remember all the details like name and birthday, he or she will go errrr before answering.. Hahaha.. So if u want to imitate someone, remember their horoscope too!

Things to do (for Weekend)

  1. Look through Telethon's projects again
  2. Work (Sat night)
  3. Work (Sun afternoon)
  4. Polish answers for stat assignment 1
  5. Philosophy of Science Assignment
  6. Print HIV notes and Stat tut solution
  7. Vacuum
  8. Laundry
  9. Study Phenomics (AIMS)

- Shhuuu Huuiii -

Friday, August 20, 2010


I think I'm all better (probably my sickness spread to someone hahaha! Sorry!)

And I'm all done for stat assignment with some adjustments left to perfect it! ^^


but the boo thing is.. Tml's is the philosophy workshop.. which we need to hand in a paper about it.. then next friday we have HIV test and poster making again... =( Somemore it's assigned group work again!!!! ARGH.. Why didn't the lecturer give us a choice to CHOOSE OUR OWN GROUP MEMBERS!!! Zzzz...

But anyway I shouldn't let this affect me.. I will study HARD for the mini test even if it's just 1%!!

- Shhuuu Huuiii -

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Sian.. I actually overslept for a tutorial!!! Woke up at 10.15 when my tutorial is on 10.30!! Zzzz.. Actually by 10.30 I'm ready to get out.. But then.. I realised I haven't print the notes for AIMS!! Super Zzzz.. Then the notes not up yet and thus, printed out the 2009 version.. Seriously, all lecturers should attend some CSAS on how to do a good presentation.. The fonts are like font 10 etc!!! Who would see that on lecture!??!?!

Stupid la.. Bad mood in the morning already... Zzzz.. Thankfully, the tutorial is just a tutorial that I crashed for stat.. My real tutorial is tml same time.. Zzz...

- Shhuuu Huuiii -

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Suay suay suay suay la

Wa lao.. Today should be Friday the 13th.. Stupid lar. So many stupid things happened to me during work and now (11.31 pm)..

  1. Tio scolding (which is not my fault.. T.T)
  2. The shaved ice machine threw a tantrum when I tried making ice kacang/ cendol
  3. Hurt my thumb (which I have no idea how dumb am I to put my thumb in between the fridge's sliding door and got 'compressed')
  4. And I shall officially announced I'm having a sore throat. 

Shit day la.. Zzz...

- Shhuuu Huuiii -


Finally, PGD workshop is over! Hahaha.. Heave a sigh of relief.. Hahaha.. I can safely say that my group is probably between the good and normal groups out there.. Haha.. Maybe our information is too little.. but everything else is pretty good.. haha.. Oh well.. It's over so just deal with it.

Goodbye REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY! It has been FUN studying you guys and reading numerous articles about you!!

I'm going to enjoy today morning (Grocery shopping) before starting on my stat assignment.. Haha.. Should take it easier as I think I'm falling sick soon.. Throat been really dry and I've got cough.. Haha.. It's probably too late to keep drinking but oh well.. water's gonna cure me.. Hahaha!

Things to do:

  1. Work (Sat night)
  2. Work (Sun morning)
  3. Grocery Shopping
  4. Stat assignment 1
  5. BRCA1 assignment (at least one component)
  6. Revise this week's AIMS' lectures
  7. Print notes
  8. Vacuum


- Shhuuu Huuiii -

Thursday, August 12, 2010

I think... I must be crazy...

I can confidently say that I have read/scan through over 50 journal articles on CGH/Haplotyping. Whether or not it has registered in my brain is another different thing. =.=

All these for just 5%. And I dun even think I will even get that full 5% unless I have an artistic poster... Zzzz.. Why must a science student design a poster... =.=.. That's precisely why we are SCIENCE students!!

Oh well.. Complained enough. Now back to work on a rainy night..  But first.. Bath please..

- Shhuuu Huuiii -

Monday, August 9, 2010

Happy National day to Singapore!

Aww.. I'm so wanna watch NDP!! =(((

- Shhuuu Huuiii -

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Time for miracle (by Adam Lambert)

It's late at night and I can't sleep
Missing you just runs too deep
Oh I can't breathe thinking of your smile

Every kiss I can't forget
This aching heart ain't broken yet
Oh God I wish I could make you see
'Cause I know this flame isn't dying
So nothing can stop me from trying

Baby you know that
Maybe it's time for miracles
'Cause I ain't giving up on love
You know that
Maybe it's time for miracles
'Cause I ain't giving up on love
No I ain't giving up on us

I just wanna be with you
'Cause living is so hard to do
When all I know is trapped inside your eyes

The future I cannot forget
This aching heart ain't broken yet
Oh God I wish I could make you see
'Cause I know this flame isn't dying
So nothing can stop me from trying

Baby you know that
Maybe it's time for miracles
'Cause I ain't giving up on love
You know that
Maybe it's time for miracles
'Cause I ain't giving up on love
No I ain't giving up on us

Baby can you feel it coming
You know I can hear it hear all the souls
Baby can you feel me feel you....

You know it's time....

Baby you know that
Maybe it's time for miracles
'Cause I ain't giving up on love
You know that
Maybe it's time for miracles
'Cause I ain't giving up on love

You know
Maybe it's time for miracles
'Cause I ain't giving up on love

No I ain't giving up love
I aint giving up no
no I ain't giving up on us
- Shhuuu Huuiii -

What a great weekend

  1. The washing machines cheated $9 off me..
  2. I can't file a tax return since there is no option of "tax return of bank"
  3. I've got a sore right shoulder
  4. I'm got so much thing left undone since I've been doing laundry and the tax return the whole morning and afternoon.
Oh, what a great weekend!

- Shhuuu Huuiii -

Friday, August 6, 2010


I've managed to survive the first week of school. Wasn't so bad.. Ok. I lied. It was bad!!! I'm still in my holiday mood... Sigh.. Why is AIMS so hard!! Took a look at the learning objectives and 'whoa la', answers not in the lecture notes!! *Clap clap clap* So screwed!!!

And we just had fire alarm.. It's seriously F* up!! I mean.. Fire alarm that rang like 4-5 times for the past two weeks already!! It's not so bad at around now.. But we had fire alarm at 2am and 5am before!! Sigh..

So tired now.. But there's tons of things to do.. =((

  1. Work (Sat night and Sun morning)
  2. Research on CGH/ haplotyping
  3. Try to get started on AIMS assignment
  4. Revise AIMS and SDA (my stat unit)
  5. Laundry
  6. Read up for next monday's lecture

Not that much.. But just revising AIMS will take up TIME!

Gonna work lesser for next week..

- Shhuuu Huuiii -

First time that comes to my mind: CGH/Haplotyping... =.=

Kiwi - 8 for $2. Ha. I bet my cousin and my mum would be screaming, "I want!" and going off to buy probably a carton back to Sg if they are still here. Hahaha!

Currently studying the AIMS lecture notes for tml but gave up. Haha.. I mean, why are there so many things about freezing! The supercooling crap is unable to diffuse into my brain.. Haha.. Oh well.. We will see how it goes in the lecture.. Hopefully the lecturer will make it clearer to me..

On the side note.. Everyone around me seems to be sick.. It used to be people from work and now Carmen is sick too.. Hope I don't get sick though. It's hard to think and function or even control my emotions when I'm sick, since I tend to be depressed about almost everything. Haha.

- Shhuuu Huuiii -

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I have severe problems with my studies...


There's nothing wrong with me officially. Just that I haven't been study hard enough to get good results.. Oh well.. I'm gonna try and do my best for my final two units.. Hahaha..

On the side note.. Getting 8 out of 40 is a bad thing isn't it.. It totally change my marks! LOL.. I can't believe I can actually failed a question! LOL..

- Shhuuu Huuiii -

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"Pawned" on the first day of school.

Hahahaha. School is sooo much interesting!!

Learnt something interesting.. Hahhaa.. What happens when you put PBS in the 5% CO2 incubator?? It turned into carbonic acid since the CO2 will dissolve in the solution! And it can't be used!!

And something about stat which I have problems seeing/ understanding.. but I do understand now.. Hahaha.. Randomized experiments allow us to make claims about causation WHILE observational studies do allow us to make claims about association (but not causation).

Hahahaha! School is sooooooooo interesting that I wanna cry for joy!!

Ok. Shall stop being so sarcastic.. But the above facts are the ones that I have found it interesting! Hahaha..
Let's look forward to Day 2 of school.. More work done and less complaining please.

- Shhuuu Huuiii -

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Can't touch this.

Heh.. Some customers still remember me! Hahahaha! So happy when I think about it.. Haha.. A couple asked me how am I coping with the work! Haha.. And they were very sad that I will not be working as much as I had.. Hahahhaaha!! Customer service is the best man!! Hahaha!! This is why I wrote "I love working" for a pastime when I was in poly year 1! Hahaha!! But working for 16 days straight is really insane.. Hahaha.. The end result: an extremely tired Shu Hui.. Haha..

Oh well.. Whatever.. Hope that AIMS doesn't kill me at the end of the semester..

- Shhuuu Huuiii -

"Don't Rain On My Parade!"

School's starting tomorrow.. My first lesson will be AIMS (Advances in Medical Science)!

Jia you Shu Hui for ur final shift before school starts.. Hahaha..

Currently too tired.. *Yawns* Hope I don't make any more mistake... T.T

- Shhuuu Huuiii -