I have no idea why the heck did I join such a activity when I'm only here for like 1 month plus only? I must be crazy! Oh wait. I think I joined because of the fantastic $10 lunch voucher! Ok I lied.. Its purely for fun. Hahaha!!
So morning, we reached at 8am to help to make the custard for the 'walking on custard' event. And then there's too much people helping out.. SO the original helpers, who are Carmen, Michael (a guy tt we just met) and me went to help other lecturers.. Zzzz.. And I didn't even get a chance to see how its does.. T.T.. But they use mainly corn starch as their ingredient so that's not surprising that you can actually walk on the "so-called custard"...
Then we went to help out to set up this giant whale.. I suppose I should start to learn or sign up for a course that teaches me how to tie a knot. But yea.. I shall add it to my "to do" list.. Haha.. But nonetheless, the whale was set up nicely!

After which we took our shirt and I got posted to Biological Science and Biotechnology School for no reason (I volunteered to be at the central.. Boo!! And separated from everyone!!) BUT.. ITS REALLY A BLESSING IN DISGUISE!! Hahaha!! Had lotsa of fun there teaching kids (yea, its really kids!! Age from maybe 4 to 10?), teenagers and some adult about pipetting, gel electrophoresis and DNA extraction! Its really fun and the satisfaction on their faces after they have done the gel electroporesis is really heart-warming to me. Furthermore, I made friends and found out that one of the demonstrator at the lab was the coordinator of my friend's MP when they came here!! So cool rite!! =))
Hahaha.. All in all, Open Your Mind Day at Murdoch is SUPER FUN! =))
After the open your mind day, we went to Cynthia's house for dinner. Carmen cooked curry and Cynthia cook luncheon meat! The curry is very spicy!!! And I love it!! Hahaha!! And its pretty funny to see Carmen gulping down after glasses and glasses of water to extinguish the spicyness in her mouth. So funny la.. Hahaha! After which, we played the Big Two and the game Citadels.. Haha.. For the Big Two I seemed to have lost my winning streak man.. I keep overlooking , assumed or forget that I have a two in my hand.. Hahhaa.. Well.. I think I'm tired.. HAHAHA!! Then for the game citadel, I won the game by stealing gold and building cards from Darren and Carmen! Hahaha!! I'm so sorry Carmen, but you are too obvious and I have no choice but to steal it from u!! Hahaha!!
Today's a fun day too! Hahahaha!! =)))